2023 Begins With New Possibilities, Associations & Learnings
Yet another finest display of skills, talent, and expertise at Arab Health 2023 by Zealousians. Also, we proudly announce ourselves as “A Great Place To Work” certified. Discover our new Webflow integration update and an incredible innovation – a no-app digital magazi
Yet another finest display of skills, talent, and expertise at Arab Health 2023 by Zealousians. Also, we proudly announce ourselves as “A Great Place To Work” certified. Discover our new Webflow integration update and an incredible innovation – a no-app digital magazi
ZealousWeb’s Exhibit At Arab Health 2023
ZealousWeb’s HealthcareDT proposition has been the talk of many newsletters in the past. We, as a team, have put our collective experience into creating a model that produces results and expedites digital transformation for the Healthcare industry.
Today, we come to you with the most exciting news – ZealousWeb exhibited its healthcare-specific proposition at Arab Health 2023!!
An A-Team flew from Ahmedabad to Dubai to represent a proposition that Solves The Unsolves for the Healthcare ecosystem.
From creating a digital presence to selling online, from marketing a business to generating a higher ROI with cutting-edge marketing strategies – we have got the healthcare industry insured against the digital transformation challenges.
“These have been four days of invigorating energy. As soon as we arrives at the expo, we could feel the infectious energy around us. The footfall at our stall was a rewarding testimony of the success of our proposition. We hope to reach an even larger audience soon!” said Kandarp Bhatt, Founder & CEO of ZealousWeb.

ZealousWeb Is Great Place To Work Certified
As a team, we have always fostered Integrity, Quality, Relationship, and Transparency. Our newest team members uphold these values since they channel the true spirit of ZealousWeb.
Today, as we announce our achievement, we cannot contain our elation about being certified as A Great Place To Work. We owe this to our team for placing their trust in us. It can be challenging to function as a fist in such a volatile market, but our team has been together for each other through the thicks & thins.
Here is a short glimpse of what is a great place to work according to Team ZealousWeb!

New Webflow Integration Update - Create Forms With Abundant Features
What more can you do with a form?
How can we make forms more interesting & exciting?
Our Webflow team battled these questions as they sat to brainstorm about Flow Form – The newest Webflow Integration!
The most customizable and easiest way to create forms in Webflow that allows features like Drag & Drop, Column Layouts, Creation of Accessible Forms, Conditional Logic, Form Import, Responsive Forms, Merge Tags, Save & Continue, Paginated Forms, Custom Form CSS, 10+ Form Fields, and so much more.
In fact, the form editor also has column support – a much-requested feature across the community. Our team has found solutions to all our Form-building problems in their brainstorming session and come up with Flow Form Integration for your Webflow website. Unlock Boundless Possibilities With ZealousWeb’s Flow Form. Build a fully customisable form with multiple fields and accessible features with us.
Webflow Components

Magazine On The Go? Magazine Jukebox Got You Covered!
Many book retailers and businesses were eliminating print magazine racks. This is when Scott Janney and Lauren Janney brainstormed and co-founded Magazine Jukebox with which people can read a digital magazine just by scanning a code. It is the first digital magazine service that requires no app.
Being the First company to come up with such an innovative idea, their desire to have a perfect website aimed at having happy and loyal users. Their previous website was not up-to-the-mark hence were lacking in reaching their aim. Our experts at ZealousWeb took it as a challenge to make their website and hopes with Digital Transformation better. Took one step at a time and started to solve their problems one by one, starting with merging 2 websites into 1 without compromising data, to solve the payment gateway issue.
All the hours, sweat, and blood that went into it certainly paid off when we heard Scott Janney and Lauren Janney (Founders of Magazine Jukebox) say “This is something that we expected” with an ear-to-ear smile!
Client Case Study