Tis The Season To Be Jolly!- Bringing In The New Year With Exciting Updates

If you perceive that trade shows and expos are outdated and have no significance, read this newsletter and explore their potency to promote community-led growth. Also, get an overview of ZealousWeb exhibiting at Medicall, and our proud achievement of being Femna’s strategic partner.

If you perceive that trade shows and expos are outdated and have no significance, read this newsletter and explore their potency to promote community-led growth. Also, get an overview of ZealousWeb exhibiting at Medicall, and our proud achievement of being Femna’s strategic partner.

We Wish You A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

For us, Christmas is all about you! Your trust and the strength of our association is a contributing factor to our Christmas spirit.

Christmas is associated with mystical occurrences, new hope, everlasting light, and the power to make the right choices. Five days away from welcoming a new year, Christmas is a time for retrospection and appreciating all we could achieve & perform in 365 days. It is a time to set a benchmark for the coming year and welcome it with joy & everlasting hope. Here’s a small glimpse of Christmas at the ZealousWeb office!

Digital Transformation!

The Power Of Trade Shows & Expos’ - ZealousWeb’s Exhibit @ Medicall

Human survival is widely colonial; it has been so since time immemorial. Businesses follow the same principle. No business reaches the zenith by overriding the foundational principles set by its industry. Trade shows are potent places to promote community-led growth and leverage the colonial nature of businesses and beings at large.

One can trace the history of trade shows (that now have synonyms like business conferences, Expos, etc.) back to 3000 BCE when bazaars were a great place for creating networks and establishing trade routes. Traveling back to 2023, they are still a lucrative way to exhibit your product or service to potential buyers and network on topics that promote community growth.

Endorsing the spread and reach of these trade shows, ZealousWeb’s exhibit at Medicall displayed the potency and cogency of Digital Transformation for the Healthcare Industry. A team of six represented the HealthcareDT proposition and imposed its importance in a digital-first world.

Read our PR & a few LinkedIn updates to get a play-by-play of the event.


Is Your Webflow Website Instagram Friendly?

After hitting 100 on the clone counter, we have come to you with a more ‘in trend’ component for your Webflow website. The Live Instagram Feed component enables you to blend Instagram feeds seamlessly into your site or pop out at your visitors!

Our swiper slider for Instagram feed redirects you to the original Instagram posts after you click on the posts from the feed. We have made this Instagram integration using Zapier.

Zealousweb’s Instagram Feeds component is entirely customizable and has a guideline document. You can use it to easily integrate the component by using your id.

The Instagram Feed Component allows you to save time, drive engagement, boost SEO, and instill trust among your clients. Try our new component today!

Webflow Components
Webflow Component

ZealousWeb is Proud to Be Femna’s Strategic Partner

FEMNA is the virtual one-stop new-generation shop for women’s health, providing on-demand health advice. FEMNA Health offers virtual access (via video appointments) to diagnostics and therapeutic solutions for women’s health. FEMNA offers access to the company’s own network of doctors for women’s health, diagnostic tools for the home, and products for women’s health in the integrated shop.

ZealousWeb is proud to be FEMNA’s strategic technology partner. We promote awareness of women’s health and wellness by providing creative support and innovation. ZealousWeb’s constant commitment is directed toward making the system more user-friendly considering women’s all options for holistic treatment.

Technology Partner